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Category: Uncategorized
World Wide Pandemic
Covid has hit us hard. We were in talks with a local sheet metal shop to rent out a small portion of their building. Max had made plans for the renovation but due to the shutdown we will postpone that brick and mortar opening.
Circle Cutter
for #numbers The Waugh patent circle cutter has numbers 2 to 7 at 1 inch apart so it is the radius and the Newton circle cutter has numbers from 3 to 14 every half inch so it is not a ruler but rather the diameter of a circle.
Our Most Valuable Object
For the keyword #valuable. While most tools can be found on eBay for about $100 this is something worth more. A stock certificate from Roys & Wilcox Company for 6 shares. It dates from 1855. $48 dollars in 1855 is worth $3325.43 today. We don’t have anything else worth that.
Our Book
Our latest book is on The Complete Tinsmith & Tinman’s Or Tinner’s Trade, Or, All I Know about th… – Google Books
Hello Fans of Tinsmithing
Welcome to our website we hope you enjoy our internet presence. We currently working on forming our corporation but hope we update the blog often. We will start with a Musem game where you write a post based on a keyword. Keywords such as #books #plan #hidden #national #study #favorite #valuable #whatzit #numbers. We will…