Tinsmith Museum of America

Tinsmith Museum of America

Compass or Dividers

What is the difference between a compass and dividers? A compass has a pencil on one end today but the answer has changed from years past. Websters 1828 dictionary reads:

compass or compasses, [or a pair of compasses, so named from its legs, but pair is superfluous or improper, and the singular number compass is the preferable name, ] an instrument for describing circles, measuring figures, etc., consisting of two pointed legs or branches, made of iron, steel or brass, joined at the top by a rivet, on which they move. There are also compasses of three legs or triangular compasses, cylindrical and spherical compasses with four branches, and various other kinds.

The definition for Dividers is simply:  A kind of compasses

Shown with two calipers are five Wing Compasses. (15, 10, 8, 6, 5) All are marked Roys & Wilcox East Berlin.



